光打這些就花了我半小時吧!我承認我是笨蛋 傷心


1. abandon (vt) 放棄


Abandon law for art.


abandon oneself to~


1. abandonment (n)


1. forsake (vt)

2. relinquish (vt)

3. desert (vt)

4. give up


2. absolute (adj) 絕對的


Absolute secrecy is preserved as to the truth.


1. absolutism (n) 獨裁主義

2. absolutely (adv) 絕對地


1. positive (adj)

2. unconditional (adj)


1. relative (adj)

2. comparative (adj)


3. acquire (vt) 獲得


A bad habit is easily acquired.


1. acquisitive (adj) 獲得的

2. acquirement (n) 獲得

3. acquisition (n) 獲得

4. acquired (adj ) 習得的


1. obtain (vt)

2. procure (vt)


4. actual (adj) 事實上的、現實上的


Those were his actual words.


1. actuality (n) 現實性

  ( in actuality 實際上 )

2 actually (adv) 實際上、真的


1. imaginary (adj)

2. imagination (n)

3. imagine (vt) (vi)


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